Noarlunga Station Upgrades Commence!

Noarlunga Station Upgrades Commence!

The Malinauskas State Government is committed to returning the trains to public hands, and the reversing of the privatisation of the train network is well and truly underway, with initial works on the $2 Million Upgrade to Noarlunga Interchange Commencing.

The Escalators are moving at Noarlunga Interchange!

Our $2 Million Commitment to improve lighting, accessibility and safety at Noarlunga interchange is officiailly underway!

Our first priority at Noarlunga Station was the installation of new escalators. We are now proud to announce their completion!

The old escalators were beyond repair and required replacement with new ones sourced from overseas. This involved two shutdowns of the rail lines to remove the old escalators and install the new ones.

Looking ahead, more upgrades are planned at the station as part of our $2 million election commitment. These include further improvements in lighting and the introduction of new public art throughout the station.

About Chris

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Chris lives in Moana with his wife and three kids. When he has free time he enjoys spending time with his family at the beach and barracking for the Crows.



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